Climate Action

Real Maps for Inspiration
This climate action map details Cat's current project, started in 2020. Together with their partner, they bought an off-grid house in Colorado and are reducing the fuel needed for their lifestyle, bit by bit. This map is clickable, with links to blog articles about the individual initiatives within the project, including choosing a carbon-friendly refrigerator, electrifying heating, reducing plastic use, and buying an EV.

Another example of an individual family using a climate action map to help implement carbon emissions reductions in their home. Marian and Steve are electrifying their appliances, reducing the meat in their diet, taking advantage of the curbside composting service in their semi-rural Southern California neighborhood, and more! Check out Steve's exciting wildfire early warning system!

Your Map Here
If you live in a city and are excited to inspire others to act using a Climate Action Map, contact us to volunteer to document your project here!

This editable pdf version of a climate action map was developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and used in a workshop for science teachers.

This map is in use by the Mountain Stewards, a non-profit climate action organization based in Gold Hill, Colorado, to track the various projects in areas of fire risk mitigation, water, and energy resilience, among others.

This hand-drawn map resembles the first map Cat used to reduce their family's carbon footprint in 2002. You can create a similar map by hand on a plain sheet of paper, or print your inspiring picture first, and then draw the map.